“The funds which will cover her salary will probably be exclusively or almost exclusively federal in nature.” We received this email yesterday on our tipline. The writer seems very knowledgeable and we assume they are a casualty of Governor Nixon’s recent state job cuts due to the terrible Obama economy. Mr. Jackson, The position which […]
Entries Tagged as 'Jay Nixon'
Tipline: “Maida” Up Stimulus Job Not Needed
March 9th, 2010 · No Comments
Tags: Jay Nixon
24th State: Jay Nixon “Maida” Job Out Of Stimulus Dollars
March 8th, 2010 · No Comments
Another instance of “No Way” Jay cronyism, this time using federal stimulus dollars? 24th State: Seems Maida Coleman, the former minority leader for Democrats in the Missouri State Senate has landed a full time gig in Jefferson City. She’s working as something called a Designated Principal Assistant/Liaison. That sure sounds like a government title, doesn’t […]
Tags: Jay Nixon
Nixon to State Workers: Let Them Eat Cake!
March 3rd, 2010 · No Comments
“Liar” Jack Cardetti in Houston with his VIP credentials <a href=”http://www.7is7.com/otto/countdown.html?year=2009&month=9&date=30&hrs=0&ts=24&min=0&sec=0&tz=local&lang=en&show=dhms&mode=r&cdir=up&bgcolor=%237777777&fgcolor=%23000000&title=Time%20Elapsed%20Since%20Jack%20Cardetti%20Admitted%20Lying%20About%20E-Coli”>Time Elapsed Since Jack Cardetti Admitted Lying About E-Coli</a>Jay Nixon is willing to cut state employees and reduce employee holidays to save money, but is Jay willing to look closer to home at truly non-essential state personnel during these desperate times? Do Missouri taxpayers and […]
Tags: Jay Nixon
Nixon Cronyism Now Extends to AG’s Office
March 1st, 2010 · No Comments
Is it a coincidence, that while Governor Nixon is shedding state jobs due to the weak Obama economy, cronies of the governor seem to keep their jobs – even after intentionally lying to the public? There are also rumors that a former high ranking Democratic state senator has recently aquired a plumb job in the […]
Tags: Jay Nixon
Picture of the Day: “Insufficient Funds”
February 24th, 2010 · No Comments
H/T: @Max_Reiss Related: Columbia Missourian: U.S. Senate passes bill without $300 million Nixon counted on How Much Does One MO “Stimulus” Job Cost Taxpayers? Over $300,000! H/T:mghoft Video: Jay Nixon: “Missouri Kids & Grandkids Will Pay the Debt Off” [kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/Jo9xzk7zPgg” width=”325″ height=”250″ wmode=”transparent” /]
Tags: Jay Nixon
Gov. Nixon – Skirting the Sunshine Law?
February 23rd, 2010 · No Comments
Looking at the ethics report for Governor Nixon’s campaign, one expense in particular seems abnormally high: his campaign is spending a lot more than the average campaign on cell phones. His January report shows an expense of nearly $3,500 for the month of December, with the previous two months costing over $1,500 each (not including […]
Tags: Jay Nixon
Flashback Videos: Jay Nixon’s Illegal Joy Rides
February 18th, 2010 · No Comments
There sure has been a lot of finger pointing coming from the Democrats lately regarding the use of state resources and political campaigning. We thought we’d help out our Democratic friends by providing them a few examples they inadverdently missed in their press release the other day. Related: News Leader Confirms Story First Broken By […]
Tags: Jay Nixon
“Baghdad” Still Carrying Water for Nixon
February 15th, 2010 · No Comments
“Baghdad” Tony Messenger We hate to keep beating a dead horse, but we will anyway since the media doesn’t seem to care. Why is “Liar” Jack Cardetti still on the taxpayers dime after admitting he intentionally lied to the public on the governor’s behalf? Instead of Tony Messenger spending his time investigating and writing about […]
Tags: Jay Nixon · Tony Messenger
While Legislators Work on Budget Crisis, Nixon Getting His Tan On!
February 11th, 2010 · No Comments
Doing his best Mark Sanford impersonation – minus cheating on his wife – “No Way Jay” has been kicking it up in sunny and warm Florida thisweek! STL Beacon: Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder’s staff said he had received no notification of the governor’s whereabouts, until “the rumor mill” began erupting Thursday. The Beacon’s call was […]
Tags: Jay Nixon
Tweet of the Day: “Nixon Fires Thousands of Low Level State Employees But Finds a Job For a Crony”
February 9th, 2010 · No Comments
Our “Tweet of the Day” comes from Lt. Governor Peter Kinder’s chief of staff Richard AuBuchon: “Nixon fires thousands of low level state employees but finds a job for a crony.” http://www.stlbeacon.org/content/view/100144/314/ Same e.coli crap, different day with this governor!
Tags: Jay Nixon · Picture/Quote of the Day