"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Gaming | Missouri Political News Service

Entries Tagged as 'Gaming'

Illegal Slot Machines Hurt Small Businesses & Steal From Our Communities

December 9th, 2019 · No Comments

By Maryann Manion There is a popular musical from the 1950s titled Guys and Dolls. Perhaps you’ve heard of this classic or even seen it. It’s a humorous story that follows the failed plots of illegal gambling ring organizers. A quote from one of the characters has crossed my mind multiple times recently: “One of these […]


Tags: Gaming

Nixon Summons Gaming Chairman to His Luxury Box

November 16th, 2009 · No Comments

Last Friday (Nov. 6th) during the Mizzou/Truman basketball game, Governor Nixon held court in his luxury box at the Mizzou Arena, where Missouri Gaming Commission Chairman Jim Mathewson was summoned to meet with him. As a reminder to those who aren’t regular readers, this happened right after we reported that some are speculating Mathewson would […]


Tags: Gaming · Jay Nixon

Berger: “Has Pinnacle Gaming Dropped Mark Levison as Legal Counsel?”

November 11th, 2009 · No Comments

 Jerry Berger has some more juicy details on the sudden resignation Monday (Mr.  Lee abruptly resigned as the head of Mirage in 1999) of Pinnacle Entertainment head Dan Lee: “Has Pinnacle Gaming dropped Mark Levison as legal counsel? That’s the word from sources in Jeff City. (Levison did not return phone calls for a comment.). […]


Tags: Gaming

Loss Limit Repeal A No-Go

May 8th, 2007 · No Comments

From the Kansas City Star: By a one-filibustering-senator margin, repeal of Missouri’s misunderstood loss limit appears dead. “I never say never,” said Senate Majority Leader Charlie Shields, a St. Joseph Republican and sponsor of the repeal bill. “But the reality is it’s got some problems.” The biggest problem is named Matt Bartle, an anti-gambling Republican […]


Tags: Gaming · MO Legislature

Casinos Oppose Loss Limit Elimination?

April 30th, 2007 · No Comments

Much to the dismay of the Missouri Gaming Association the bill that eliminated the $500 loss limit rule came with a $49 million dollar price tag. Gambling opponents, Sens. John Loudon and Matt Bartle-who know whats best for you-attatched a hefty $49 million tax increase on casinos to the bill. So, in a remarkable turn […]


Tags: Gaming · MO Legislature · Sen. John Loudon