MOPNS has had some harsh words for our newest Senator in the past but we must admit two things:
1. McCaskill has been the most tolerable Democrat in the state lately. Even though she’s a lefty the freshman senator recognizes the majority of her constituents are not…something the other Democrats are not aware of.
2. The woman has some great political instincts. From the beginning she’s been out in front on many issues and always ready to appear on television to defend her positions in a comprehensible way.
Today the Daily Journal highlighted another McCaskill move that demonstrates her Rovian ways:
McCaskill staff hold ‘Kitchen Table Talks’ in area
Aug 13, 2007 – 09:51:55 CDT
WASHINGTON, DC – Members of U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill’s staff are traveling throughout the state to hear from local residents, and to inform them of the numerous ways her office can be of service to all Missourians. McCaskill’s staff are hosting a series of “Kitchen Table Talks” statewide in order to reach out to constituents, address their questions and concerns, and provide Missourians with the resources necessary to receive assistance from a federal agency. The staff are documenting all problems that constituents are facing, as well as any input that residents have on impending legislation. The findings will be reported back directly to Senator McCaskill.
Although the last sentence is doubt worthy we’ve got to give kudos to a woman who’s at least trying
On a serious note, if anybody knows of any families who live off MLK on the north side of St. Louis make sure they get in contact with Claire’s office. Please make sure they request a meeting in the evening 🙂
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