Missouri Democrats are having a tough time with Native Americans this fall. First, Sen. McCaskill is called a racist by them and now the Carnahan windfarm is being sued by the Osage nation in Oklahoma:
The tribe and the Osage Minerals Council claim in the lawsuit that the Osage Nation has discovered marketable amounts of oil and natural gas within the mineral estate it controls.
The lawsuit says developing and marketing the natural gas will require the construction of flow lines and transmission lines, and it alleges that construction and operation of the wind farm will interfere with those lines “to the detriment of the Osage mineral estate and Osage Nation.” Read more…
Sad. We can’t drill and use the abundant oil and gas resources in this country to put people back to work but we can invest hundreds of millions of dollars in this renewable energy boondoggle that enriches only a connected few and employs very few.
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