“Most of the speculation has revolved around former Dooley lobbyist Darin Cline, who resigned last fall amid confirmed reports at the time that he was involved in a personal-tax dispute with the IRS.
“Have the feds called us about Darin Cline? Yes,” Scott said.” Read more…
According to Post Dispatch reporter Paul Hampel, there were some fireworks last night at the usually staid county council meeting. Liberal activist Tom Sullivan, who has been described as the “watchdog with a bite” said in the public comments portion of the meeting what everyone who hasn’t been living under a rock the last few weeks already knows:
“The FBI has hauled loads of documents out of the building,” Sullivan said. “Everybody knows what’s going on.”
Sullivan accused county officials of being “disingenuous” in their repeated denials of any investigation.
Sullivan then left the dais. But Dooley called him back, and chastised him.
“Everything you said was a lie,” Dooley said, jabbing his finger in Sullivan’s direction. “No member of county government has been subpoenaed.”
“We have an open and transparent government,” he added. Read more…
Calling your constituents liars and haters is a very interesting reelection strategy!
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