"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
MOPNS Posts Force Nixon to Rebid Fee Offices | Missouri Political News Service

MOPNS Posts Force Nixon to Rebid Fee Offices

December 10th, 2009 by mopns · No Comments

“[Liar] Jack Cardetti, a spokesman for Nixon, said the governor’s office was aware of the Department of Revenue’s decision to rebid the contracts but played no role in the decision.”

Springfield News Leader reporter Chad Livengood has a blockbuster story today on the Nixon Administration’s decision to rebid fee offices that were awarded to campaign contributor Alternative Opportunities. If you’ll remember, we disclosed that the Nixon bidding process was so rigged, that AO already knew how many fee offices they were going to be awarded before it was announced to the public!

It’s so refreshing to see a reporter still exhibiting journalistic curiosity instead of being a kiss ass sycophant masquerading as an objective journalist.

 Gov. Jay Nixon’s administration has decided to rebid 10 motor vehicle license office contracts awarded to Alternative Opportunities after the Springfield-based non-profit failed to disclose its financial ties to an Arizona corporation.

One of the stipulations in the contract bidding process is fee office agents could not use subcontractors to provide main services to the license bureaus.

The managers of Alternative Opportunities contract their management services to W.D. Management, a company initially set up by the executives of AO but later sold to Tucson, Ariz.-based Providence Service Corp., a publicly traded company.

In its application, AO listed Tom Goss as the contract manager. But Goss works directly for W.D. Management, not AO, a violation of the contract stipulations, according to the Department of Revenue.

In AO’s proposal for the running the South Fremont Office, a copy of Goss’ resume was attached indicating he had been chief financial officer of W.D. Management since 2006. He was CFO of Alternative Opportunities from 1991 to 2005, according to the document. Read more…


Nixon Contributors (Alternative Opportunities, INC) Admit The Fix is On

Gov. Nixonator: The Fix is in Part II

Nixon’s Plan [A]lternative Oportunities Fails; Tries Plan B

Did Nixon Hold Off on “Pay to Play” Because of Our Reporting?



Tags: Jay Nixon

0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Milo Minderbinder // Dec 10, 2009 at 4:16 pm

    AO is a not-for-profit which recieves money from the state for providing services.

    The owners of AO start at second company, a for profit, and contract with the first company to provide services.

    The owners contract with themselves DBA as the second company,to run their first company and pay themselves to do it.

    Then, they sell their second company to a third company for millions of dollars and are then hired by the third company to run the first company.

    I am glad to see that they learned how I take eggs I buy in Malta for 7 cents and sell them for 5 cents and make a profit!

  • 2 Bulletinman // Dec 11, 2009 at 12:34 am

    You really don’t want to know how far it has gone or how corrupt these people really are.

  • 3 jokesonus // Dec 11, 2009 at 11:23 pm

    They (Nixon, DOR, and OA) would rather this thing blow up because of something like this than for the truth to come out —- the whole process was rigged in AO’s favor. The only people pretending “rigged” isn’t what happened is DOR and OA and Nixon and they have no choice but to continue to do so. Must have been those nameless “random employees” at DOR reviewing those bids who messed this thing up.

    My hat is off to Livengood, I knew that it was rigged but didn’t figure any one else would catch the problems with AO’s bids—or that anyone would care. Chad, you’re just scratching the surface.

    Democrats: NO NIXON. Leave It Blank (LIB) in 2010. Do to him what he did to us.

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