The great thing about the blogosphere is the friendships that develop among bloggers. It’s definitely a competition to break stories and have a widely read blog, but we also link to each others work and offer suggestions when appropriate. Today, we want to help out our friends at FiredUp Missouri. They have a post today titled: “Nixon’s job creation efforts highlighted in Wall Street Journal” with glowing excerpts from the piece.
We thought we’d bring you a few excerpts from the WSJ piece that they accidentally forgot to include in their post:
As he prepared his budget last week, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon, a Democrat, could hear the chants from a rally of child-welfare advocates outside his office window. Mr. Nixon said he expected anger over his plan to slash the state work force by 1,300 and eliminate or trim dozens of programs. Among his proposals: a $14.6 million cut for university extension courses, a $3.4 million cut for rural health care, and a $250,000 cut for early-childhood literacy programs.
Mr. Nixon says he needs those savings to balance the budget while still expanding — by about $20 million — incentive funds that underwrite corporate job creation. Mr. Nixon’s staff cites a deal announced last July with Orgill Inc., a national hardware wholesaler, which received more than $7 million in state aid to build a distribution center in rural Sikeston with a goal of creating 350 jobs. That amounts to a subsidy of $20,000 per job.”
Hey, your welcome guys! Don’t mention it.
0 responses so far ↓
1 Randy // Feb 2, 2009 at 7:13 pm
Fired UP sucks now that Temple has gone to work for the Blunt’s. It used to be kind of fun to read but now it blows. I hope Temple got a lot of money for switching sides. Dems are totally pissed at him.
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