Better Courts for Missouri, along with other concerned citizens of Missouri, wrote to Governor Matt Blunt requesting he reject the three judicial nominees to the state’s Supreme Court submitted to him last month by the Appellate Judicial Commission. In their request they stated, “Missourians expect judges of the highest qualifications who will practice restraint and not legislate from the bench. Each of these nominees fails to meet those expectations.”
After reviewing the cases and records of Judges Ronald Holliger, Lisa White Hardwick and Zel Fischer, Better Courts for Missouri and their coalition of concerned citizens believe each of the nominees would be “dominated” by one special interest group – trial lawyers – the same group who recommended each of them to Governor Blunt. When special interests and politics are allowed to determine judicial nominees in a “non-partisan” system, something is seriously flawed. The secrecy with which the Commission operates, coupled by the lack of accountability to Missourians for their actions, sets the stage for backroom dealings and political power plays.
As this panel of nominees prove, the Missouri Plan is broken.
Missourians need a new Missouri Plan which is open and accountable to all its citizens. Governor Blunt should lead the rebuilding of that Plan by rejecting the current panel.
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