We find it ironic that now that the shine continues to wear off the Barack Obama fool’s gold campaign of change, the libs now want to start questioning polls and their methodologies. With the latest USA Today poll showing the McCain/Palin ticket opening up a 10 point lead on Obama/Biden, let the hand-wringing and carping begin.
From Angry Black Bitch:
“This bitch has never been asked to take a political poll. I only know two people who have. So, I am always amazed when polls of likely voters come out.
Are these polls really of likely voters or just likely voters who pick up the phone and answer questions?
Its not as if they release the wording of the questions with the poll numbers on the telly…or even explain what the margin of error means when they release that shit…and they certainly do not explain the math behind that shit or how many folks made up the sample size or how diverse the geography or how they account for dips in that geographic diversity to make sure that all the respondents aren’t from the county or city or rural areas.”
Remember just a few short months ago, Obama and his supporters were planning the transition and probably vetting cabinet appointees too, now they’re scrambling to keep it close in the key battleground states just to stay viable. My how the Obama-ssiah has fallen!
Huffington Post: We’re Gonna Frickin’ Lose this Thing
0 responses so far ↓
1 Happy White Guy // Sep 8, 2008 at 4:14 pm
Too funny.
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