"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
From the Tip Line: Spkr. Jetton + HRCC = Ticket Scalping? | Missouri Political News Service

From the Tip Line: Spkr. Jetton + HRCC = Ticket Scalping?

May 15th, 2007 by mopns · No Comments

RSMO 578.395. 1. Any person, firm, or corporation who resells or offers to resell any ticket for admission, or any other evidence of the right of entry, to any public sporting event for a price in excess of the price printed on the ticket is guilty of the offense of ticket scalping.

Below is an email Speaker Jetton sent out today on behalf of the Missouri House Republican Campaign Committee:


We have been given a suite for the Cardinal game against the Pittsburgh Pirates on Wednesday, May 23 and we are using it for an HRCC fundraiser.

I know this is short notice but I was hoping you could help us raise some money for the 2008 election cycle. Speaker Pro Tem Carl Bearden, Majority Floor Leader Tom Dempsey and several other legislators will be there.

We have 40 tickets to sell and it will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. The tickets are $1,000 for one or $1,500 for two. Food and drinks are included and the seats are in the Cardinal’s Legends Suite #304. Game time is 7:10 p.m.

We need to know by Friday, May 18 at noon if you want to buy any tickets. Please call Christine Gordon at 314-822-5273 or e-mail her at:christinesgordon@yahoo.com.

Thanks for your support and consideration of this event.


Rod Jetton

Speaker of the House


Cards, Rams Eye Internet Scalping of Tickets



Tags: Spkr. Jetton · Tip Line

0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Mark // Oct 17, 2007 at 9:54 pm

    To draw parallels between legitimate campaign fundraising and illicit ticket scalping is nothing more than bickering and partisan politics at it’s worst.
    How is this any different than selling a plate lunch for $100? It isn’t; except that maybe in this case, the buyer/doner gets his moneys worth.

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