Sen. Bond pictured here in 1998 with former St. Louis NAACP head Charles Mischeaux
JEFFERSON CITY _ Add another proven lie to Jay Nixon’s shameful list of prevarications, sleazy ethics and filching public money: The Missouri Republican Party today completed the destruction of Nixon’s false assertion that his special committee to investigate the governor is “independent.”
MRP research uncovered that Nixon Witch Hunter Eric “Rick” Wilhoit is a self-proclaimed Democrat. Earlier this week, MRP exposed Clarence “Mel” Fisher as a self-declared Democrat, and previously identified fellow Witch Hunter and former Webster County Associate Circuit Judge Daniel Max Knust as a longtime family friend of Craig Hosmer, who is Nixon’s campaign treasurer.
But there is more. Because Nixon’s committee is named by Nixon, serves at his pleasure, and will make any recommendations to Nixon, no such committee can be independent, by definition.
“Jay Nixon stacked this committee with Democrats and political pals. The Nixon panel now stands fully exposed as meriting no credibility as impartial or independent. It is a partisan witch hunt created by Nixon to harass the governor,” said Paul Sloca, communications director for MRP. “Predictably, Missouri’s partisan and weak-minded liberal newspapers accepted Nixon’s baloney at face value, as always. Again, MRP does the media’s job, by uncovering simple facts that are readily available to reporters.”
The Official State Manual of Missouri for 1981-1982 (Page 998) and 1983-84 (Page 1015) identifies Patrolman and later Patrolman First Class Eric “Rick” Wilhoit as a Democrat. The manuals for 1981-1982 (page 984) and 1983-1984 (page 1001), identify Highway Patrol Maj. Clarence E. “Mel” Fisher as a Democrat. It was once required by state law for members of the Missouri State Highway Patrol to identify their political affiliation to ensure that neither major political party dominated its ranks. Copies of the Wilhoit documents are available here.
Nixon is a serial offender at using his taxpayer-supported office for politics. Nixon has admitted that for years he broke state law by using his taxpayer-financed vehicle to attend political events. And Nixon’s reimbursement for that illegal activity also is a sham, since no independent committee has had the opportunity to verify that he paid in full his bill to taxpayers. Democrat Auditor Susan Montee won’t look at Nixon’s reimbursement figures, thus establishing her as a mere political hack. And, of course, Nixon used his office for campaign fundraising, taking political checks from Ameren, the St. Louis energy giant, while the firm was the target of his investigation into the Taum Sauk dam collapse.
Tony Messenger: Investigative team makes a change
Judge Knust Resignation letter
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