As I write this article, it is currently 3:30 am central standard time and we still have no clue which Democratic presidential aspirant actually won the Iowa Caucus. In contrast, the Associated Press declared President Trump the victor in the Republican caucus about a half-hour after it began.
Four years ago, I was privileged to be a staff member on the Ted Cruz presidential campaigns in Iowa, South Carolina, and in my home state of Missouri. As evidenced by the picture accompanying this article, we knew we were victorious by 10 pm CST. What a difference four years can make!
Democratic officials were initially denying it, but media reports say the app Democratic activists were using to report results did not work properly.
“A spokeswoman for the state party issued a statement late Monday denying that the delays were the result of the new app’s failure.“We found inconsistencies in the reporting of three sets of results,” said Mandy McClure, the spokeswoman. She added that this was “simply a reporting issue, the app did not go down and this is not a hack or an intrusion.”
My own source on the ground, Iowa Republican political operative Karen Fesler, confirmed to me in a text that the app was having problems: Read more…
Marc Cox Morning Show: Chris Arps: DNC looks like the bar scene from Star Wars
Wake Up Columbia: 16:00 “Christopher Arps on the Iowa caucus and how we think Trump will behave tonight during SOTU.
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