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Lobbyist Dick Gephardt Seeks End of Electoral College | Missouri Political News Service

Lobbyist Dick Gephardt Seeks End of Electoral College

March 23rd, 2020 by MarkTwain · No Comments

The Wall Street Journal asked former politicians and military leaders their views on what positives may come out of the Corona virus pandemic. The former House majority leader’s answer was partisan and quite frankly an embarrassment. You would think that a guy who represented a flyover state for all those years in Congress would understand how important the electoral college is to states like Missouri. Without the electoral college, the east and west coasts, Florida and Texas would elect the president every four years.

“Change the electoral college to a national popular vote (and) adopt full or leveraged matching public finance of small contributions for congressional campaigns for any candidate who forgoes private fundraising…I  understand those two changes sound unrelated to the present pandemic, but my thought is that when we face similar global and national threats in the future, it is essential that citizens trust their leaders enough to follow them.”

The “son of a milk truck driver” has done quite well after leaving congress and starting his lobbying firm.


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