Maria Chappelle – Nadal doesn’t realize (or care) that the bill she is opposing, allows military spouses with professional licenses in other states, to practice their profession in Missouri while their spouse is stationed in Missouri.
The STL Post Dispatch editorial below calls Rep. Maria Chappelle Nadal “uninformed” on the details of this bill. Shocker! This is the same progressive warrior who compared President Trump to Hitler and later gained international infamy for calling for Trump’s assassination. These acts almost got her expelled from the state senate in 2017.
‘One critic, Democrat Maria Chappelle-Nadal of University City, seemed particularly uninformed about what the bill would do. “I never want to be the one to advocate a dumbing down of health practices in my district, and I’m pretty sure that no one else would want to do that either,” she stated on the House floor. Her objections neither deserved nor gained any traction before lopsided votes moved the legislation to the Senate.’ Read more…
Coldwater Creek Advocate “Concerned About Verbal & Social Media Promises” by State Senator
Drug Testing Legislators is a Bad Idea
Chappelle-Nadal Challenges STL Aldermanic President to “Put His Big Boy Pants On”
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