The Sentinel:
On Monday, Curtman filed a complaint with the Missouri Bar Association (MBA). The subject of his complaint is St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, the prosecutor in question. Curtman believes the MBA should investigate Gardner for “prosecutorial and legal misconduct” in her investigation of Greitens. If the MBA finds her in violation, Curtman believes she should be disbarred immediately.
Curtman cites any number of irregularities on Gardner’s part. These include her use of unlicensed private investigators, the enlistment of an out-of-state private prosecutor, the preparation of an indictment before an investigation, the absence of a written investigative report, inappropriate discussions with police officers, and the failure to use the police appropriately. Read more…
“I Worked In St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner’s Office”
Professional Complaint Filed Against Kim Gardner’s Out of State Firm Investigating Gov. Greitens
Michigan Firm Hired By Kim Gardner Owes Back Taxes; Delinquent On Corporate Filings
Video: STL Clergy Coalition Bash Gov. Greitens
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