"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Ashcroft Says He’s Complying With Law By Releasing Voter Data | Missouri Political News Service

Ashcroft Says He’s Complying With Law By Releasing Voter Data

July 10th, 2017 by mopns_admin · No Comments

Image result for jay ashcroft, voter id
Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft is taking issue with Senator McCaskill and his predecessor Jason Kander over their criticism of his decision to release voter data to the Trump Adminstration. In an email to supporters last weeek, Ashcroft claims he is just following the law – just like two of his Democratic predecessors:

Now, Jason Kander has been joined by Senator McCaskill in attacking me for following Chapter 610 of the Missouri Revised Statutes that requires that I provide publicly available information upon request. See the law for yourself here.

The kicker? Jason Kander is attacking me for following the law and providing this data to the Trump Election Integrity Commission, after he fulfilled nearly 400 data requests during his four years as Missouri Secretary of State. That’s right. He is attacking me for doing something he did almost 400 times while in office. His predecessor, Robin Carnahan, fulfilled these requests more than 600 times.

His attacks are pure politics. They fit his agenda to pretend voter fraud exists and block efforts to fight fraud. Let me be clear about these requests: no voter preferences, political affiliations, or confidential information have or will be provided. The privacy of the voting booth is revered in this country, and it will remain so.

And Ashcroft goes on to say no identifying information was disclosed to the federal government.

Let me be clear about these requests: no voter preferences, political affiliations, or confidential information have or will be provided. The privacy of the voting booth is revered in this country, and it will remain so.


KCUR: Missouri Democratic Party Leader Looks To Rebuild

WashPo: Jason Kander lost a big Senate race. In today’s Democratic Party, he’s still a rising star.

KC Star: Steve Kraske: Sen. Claire McCaskill’s biggest nightmare just might be Josh Hawley



Tags: Voter Fraud

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