Immediately after the presidential election, and more than a week ahead of the Nov. 16 deadline, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon, a Democrat, announced he had made up his mind. The state would not be setting up its own health insurance exchange….”Based on current state law, and the federal deadline, the state-based option isn’t on the table for Missouri at this time,” said Nixon. So a federal exchange seems to be the only possibility. Read more…
What leadership! Governor Nixon waits till after the election to announce that Missouri will not be participating in health insurance exchanges. Missouri Political New Service was the first to report on the governor’s backhanded implementation of Obamacare through executive order back on September 15th, 2011.
A Senate committee heard testimony Tuesday on a bill, which would prevent Gov. Nixon’s administration from creating a health exchange without the approval of Missouri voters.
The bill sponsored by Sen. Rob Schaaf, R-St. Joseph, prevents the state executive branch from establishing such an exchange as mandated by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as “Obamacare.”
“This bill is needed because the governor has already tried to create a health insurance exchange by executive order … this shouldn’t be allowed to happen. This is the purview of the Legislature, not the governor,” Schaaf said. Read more…
NYT Reports Insurance Coverage “May Be Unaffordable For Millions”
McCaskill: Obamacare “Will Bring Down The Deficit And Bring Down Health Care Costs”
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