“The Tea Party Express is proud to announce the endorsement of Sarah Steelman – she represents just the kind of leader we need in Washington,” Kremer concluded. The Tea Party Express has endorsed four other U.S. Senate candidates for the 2012 election cycle: Attorney General Jon Bruning in Nebraska, State Treasurer Richard Mourdock in Indiana, former Solicitor General Ted Cruz in Texas and State Treasurer Josh Mandel in Ohio. Read more….
The Gateway Grassroots Initiative, a group formed after talk show host Dana Loesch and others left the St. Louis Tea Party over the very issue of endorsements, issued their own statement after the TPE’s announcement:
“Earlier this morning the Tea Party Express arrived in St. Louis and announced an endorsement in the Missouri Senate Republican primary. This was done without consulting or reaching out to local groups to gauge whether or not their endorsement was a wise one. We feel that this was an important and crucial step that the Tea Party Express missed and it has the potential to discredit the organization in the eyes of Missouri voters.
We feel that all politics are local and that grassroots in our area have worked very hard to develop our voice and vetting process for candidates. We are disappointed that a national group such as the Tea Party Express failed to include in their decision-making process the very people that have actually sat down with these candidates and lived under their elected leadership.” Read more…
The Hill: Tea Party group backs Steelman for McCaskill seat
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