Newspaper editorials have been slamming the stimulus bill for three years. The New York Post said during the summer of 2010 that “[i]t was an $800 billion misadventure that will be wreaking havoc on the economy for years to come.” Months after the bill was signed, The Denver Post declared, “[W]e’ve learned not to trust the government’s accounting on the massive stimulus bill just yet. The jobs figures are wildly misleading . . . .” Last fall, The Richmond Times-Dispatch snarked, “The stimulus did less good than earlier estimates suggested. There’s a big shock.” When President Obama and Democrats were demanding another stimulus bill last year, The Wall Street Journal asked, “Why did his first jobs plan—the $825 billion stimulus—so quickly result in the need for another jobs plan?” And the Orange County Register wondered, “Considering the indisputable flop of 2009’s massive infusion of tax money, why would spending less this time fare better?” The Daytona Beach News-Journal concluded, “[T]he $800 billion Stimulus I bill passed by Congress in 2009 did not live up to its billing. Despite this massive infusion of deficit spending, the economy has continued to sputter.” And considering the Solyndra debacle, the money for which came from the stimulus bill, Obama’s hometown Chicago Tribune wrote in September, “If the federal government can’t responsibly manage the money it’s doling out in the name of economic stimulus, then it has no business doling out the money — period . . . .”
Amazingly reports are still coming out about the various failures of the stimulus. Only YESTERDAY, NBC in San Francisco reported, “Three years ago politicians in Washington and here in the Bay Area touted the urgent need for the federal stimulus package. . . . The NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit spent weeks analyzing government stimulus data, in partnership with the nonprofit investigative news group ProPublica. . . . But our computer analysis shows money approved doesn’t always mean money spent—or jobs created. According to the latest government data, 19 Bay Area stimulus projects funded in 2010 or earlier have not broken ground. That totals more than $70 million. They haven’t created jobs, either. We found two projects approved more than two years ago that have not even started. . . . ‘Give the money to help people find jobs,’ said unemployed San Jose resident Harry Ahn, ‘and I would be expecting more people to actually be finding jobs.’”
McCaskill: “I Am Not a Reliable Vote For His (Obama’s) Administration”; Voted 98% With Obama in 2010
Video: Claire McCaskill’s Support of President Obama’s Wasteful Stimulus Spending
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