Former Senator Jim talent is taking a little grief from the media on his attack on Rick Santorum’s voting record:
The Weekly Standard:
Talent continued, pointing to a few votes that show Santorum’s “liberal” spending record. “I want to note that Senator Santorum voted for No Child Left Behind, which was a big expansion of federal power over local education,” he said. “He voted for Medicare Part D, a big expansion of a federal entitlement.”
Asked about the validity of these criticisms, particularly since Talent himself had a similar voting record to Santorum while both men served in the Senate, Talent said he would be “happy” to compare his record to Santorum’s if they were running against each other.
Talent followed up with THE WEEKLY STANDARD, calling back to explain his comments further. Talent clarified that he didn’t mean to say that Santorum’s (and his own) votes for bills like Medicare Part D can’t “be explained or justified, because they can” but that Santorum’s self-described image as a true conservative doesn’t reflect the truth. Read more…
BBCW: Big Government Jim Talent Sticks Foot in his Mouth with Rick Santorum Medicare Part D Comment
The American Spectator: The Medicare Part D Problem
The Hill: Surrogates for Romney paint Rick Santorum as liberal on fiscal issues
Slate: Jim Talent, Super-Surrogate
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