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After Two Months Of Bus Tours & Speeches, Obama's Approval Rating On Economy Falls Further‏ | Missouri Political News Service

After Two Months Of Bus Tours & Speeches, Obama’s Approval Rating On Economy Falls Further‏

November 14th, 2011 by mopns · No Comments

More than two months after President Obama addressed a joint session of Congress urging them to pass his new stimulus bill, polls show that Americans’ approval of his handling of the economy has dropped even further. After two months of bus tours, rallies, and campaign-style events, Americans see the same failed economic policies from the Obama White House that have made things worse.

Last week, a CBS News poll found “President Obama’s ratings on the most important issue for his re-election — the economy — have posted the weakest showing of his presidency, according to a poll released Friday by CBS News. About 60 percent of voters said they disapprove of Mr. Obama’s handling of the economy, the highest on record. Just 34 percent approve of the job he is doing on the matter.”

Today, Gallup writes, “Economic issues overshadow all others as Americans’ primary concerns. Thirty-six percent say unemployment or jobs and 30% say the economy in general is the most important problem facing the United States.” In addition, Gallup notes, “The ongoing concern about the economy helps explain the high level of dissatisfaction with current conditions in the United States. Now, 12% of Americans are satisfied and 86% dissatisfied with the way things are going in the U.S. . . . In a perhaps ominous sign for Barack Obama as he seeks re-election next year, today’s 12% satisfaction rating is no better than when he took office in January 2009.”

And Politico reports that a new Politico/George Washington University Battleground Poll finds, “Overwhelmingly, voters continue to say Obama is performing poorly on the issue they care about most. About three-fifths of those polled identified the economy, jobs or spending as the single most important issue. Nationally, only 35 percent approved of how Obama is doing on the economy — down 3 points since September — compared with 62 percent who disapproved; 40 percent approved of his approach to jobs and just 33 percent approved of his handling of the budget, including spending and deficits.”

Clearly, the American people are not impressed with bus tours and speeches featuring more of the same failed spending, taxing, and regulating policies from President Obama.


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