Speculation is rampant today that 2nd district congressional candidate Ed martin will switch races and will run instead for Lt. Governor. Sources say look for an announcement in the coming days. DEVELOPING…..
Post Dispatch: GOP’s Steve Tilley drops race for Missouri lieutenant governor:
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1 Jim // Nov 11, 2011 at 11:33 am
Will this group ever get anything right or is it the Wagner campaign that puts all the wrong info about Martin on here.Do these people from the Mo. Politcal “NEWS” service just
put out any lie that comes along without verification?
2 Jim // Nov 11, 2011 at 6:47 pm
Seems like the Mo.Poltical News service wants me to “man up ” if Martin switches to Lt.Gov. race. I agreed to do the if he switches. I asked them if they would “man up” if he doesn’t switch.They haven’t agreed to that. I wonder why. All they have to say is their source was wrong. That rakes them of the hook. It seems like that is what Move on and some of the other “news sources’ do. They make an innuendo and drop it, waiting to see who takes the bait.
3 Jim // Nov 13, 2011 at 7:33 pm
Is the Mo. Poltical News Service ready to “man up” yet. Is it because it is impossible to “man up’ because the writer is a woman or is impossible to “man up” because the writer is not much of a man.
4 Jim // Nov 14, 2011 at 1:38 pm
It is not often that a news source will admit an error. This one did and gained my respect. Thank you.
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