"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Economic Illiterates Tout Benefits of Obamacare | Missouri Political News Service

Economic Illiterates Tout Benefits of Obamacare

January 3rd, 2011 by mopns · No Comments

The economic illiterates over at FiredUp Missouri want us to be excited because of all the new benefits the nanny state is providing us – starting today – through Obamacare like:

Prescription drug costs could shrink $700 for a typical Medicare beneficiary in 2011, as the law begins to close the notorious doughnut hole

Medicare is bumping up payments for primary care by 10 percent from Jan. 1 through the end of 2015

Insurers must now spend at least 80 percent of their premiums on medical care

Medicare premiums in 2011 will take a bigger bite from wealthier beneficiaries

Medicare enrollees will be able to get many preventive health services – such as vaccinations and cancer screenings – for free starting in January.

For those of us who know there is no such thing as a free lunch and that these ‘benefits’ will have to be paid for somehow are wondering where is the money coming from? Oh yeah, that’s right! Our insurance premiums will be going up and Obamacare raided Medicare to pay for all these new ‘benefits!’


Rasmussen Reports:

Insured Voters Still Divided Whether Health Care Law Is Likely To Make Them Change Coverage

24th State: In Unrelated News, Health Insurance Premiums In Missouri To Increase

Hat tip:breitbart

Progressive Media: “Obamacare Is An Attack Word”

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/2yXHZKYtnrM" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]



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