"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Why Cleaver Can't Appreciate the Taxpayer | Missouri Political News Service

Why Cleaver Can’t Appreciate the Taxpayer

December 13th, 2010 by MarkTwain · No Comments

Last week, we told you about the good Reverend Representative Cleaver’s eye popping $48 billion earmark request for a project that only has a MySpace acct as it’s website. Cleaver was roundly criticized, but how can you blame him for not really appreciating the value of the taxpyer’s dime when your siphoning $200,000 a year from them?

K.C. Star:

 [A] number of former mayors, City Council members and Municipal Court judges continue to receive paychecks as part of the city’s “retirement system for elected officials.” It’s earmarked for a select group of people and it’s slightly more generous than plans offered to other city employees….At least two on the list receive paychecks from other governments. Former mayor Emanuel Cleaver, who gets $21,106 from the city. Read more….


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Tags: Kansas City · Rep. Emanuel Cleaver

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