"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Rusty Whistling in the Wind on Brother's $100 Million Earmark | Missouri Political News Service

Rusty Whistling in the Wind on Brother’s $100 Million Earmark

September 22nd, 2010 by MarkTwain · No Comments

Carnahan windmills in NW Missouri

“Being elected to Congress is regarded as being sent on a looting raid
for one’s friends. – George F. Will – In this case it is a 100 million dollar earmark for Windmill farms from one brother Carnahan (Russ) to another brother Carnahan (Tom). The spoils of war (aka elections) are working so well that the Carnahan family now wants to send sister Robin to Washington to help with the looting of the treasury.”
–Picture credit: Paul Hamby

MOGOP Release:

Appearing on Charlie Brennan’s program on KMOX last Friday, Russ tried to hide the truth about how his family had benefited from a massive government grant.  In reality, Tom Carnahan received a $107 million government handout made possible by the $814 billion stimulus boondoggle that Russ voted for and Robin supported.

A few hours later, the White House released a report showing that Carnahan, as president of Wind Capital Group, received a $107 million grant-in-lieu-of-tax-credit for the Lost Creek wind farm in July 2010.  Interestingly, this is $17 million more than he requested.

In the past, Tom Carnahan has admitted that his business depends on federal government handouts to survive. He has also confessed to lobbying members of Congress for tax credits, despite the fact that he is not a currently registered to lobby (St Joseph News-Press, January 25, 2008).


Martin Sends letter to Carnahan

SE Missourian: Robin Carnahan holds Lobbyist Fundraiser



Tags: Carnahans' · Rep. Russ Carnahan

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