We watched with anticipation last night the president’s speech announcing the end of combat missions in Iraq. For a person who has been on his sixth vacation this year, the President seemed to be just going through the motions. In all honesty, it was such a lackluster performance, that we turned from it after about 10 minutes. We weren’t the only one’s who thought the president didn’t bring his ‘A’ game last night:
“In sum, the president seemed to me to go about as far as an anti-Iraq war president could go in praising the war effort.” –Bill Kristol, Weekly Standard
“Flat and odd” —Charles Krathammer
“So [Obama] gave a few platitudes on Iraq and turned this into a speech on the economy? And mentions ‘dependence on foreign oil’?” — Erick Erickson
“The president’s Oval Office address wasn’t confidence-inducing.”—National Review
“Frankly, just stylistically I think there’s been a deterioration in the quality of Obama’s speeches — the literary quality.” David Brooks, The New York Times
Video: Sam Graves stops near Boonville, talks Afghanistan & Iraq
Hat tip:BoonvilleMissouriBDN
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