Dooley drops department heads.
“First electing the accessor, now dropping the paid cars for his friends…glad I’m also proposing that Dooley no longer be county executive.” — STL County Executive candidate Bill Corrigan
Thirty six days ago, St. Louis county executive candidate Bill Corrigan called for Charlie Dooley to eliminate free cars and free gas for his department head cronies. In an embarrassing performance before investigative reporter Elliott Davis, Mr. Dooley reiterated a half dozen timers, at least, that he wasn’t responsible for this unnecessary fringe benefit.
Like a trained parrot, Mr. Dooley gave the excuse that the policy had been put in place years before he became county executive. His spokesman even accused the Corrigan campaign of playing politics for calling out this egregious waste of taxpayer money. If you read this excerpt from the Post Dispatch, it seems that the Dooley camp are the ones playing politics with the issue.
Dooley said the move will save the county about $91,000, which he described as a “drop in the bucket” compared to the county’s $500 million annual budget.
“It’s more symbolic than anything,” Dooley said. “It shows the people that we understand that these are difficult times and things are not what they used to be. There are guys out there who are not making half as much (as department directors) and they’re asking, ‘I gotta buy my own car? Why don’t they?” Read more…
According to Corrigan’s Facebook page, he is scheduled to be on the Mark Reardon Show on KMOX radio this afternoon at 3:20 to discuss Dooley’s latest flip flop.
Video: Bill Corrigan Press Conference: “Eliminate Free Cars & Free Gas”
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