Lucky sperm club member Congressman Russ Carnahan held a “press” conference yesterday at a clinic in Holly Hills, Mo touting the benefits of Obamacare.
We learned that blogger Adam Sharp of was denied entry into the press conference because he wasn’t a member of the state run media. Can we really be surprised by this? Remember, this is the man who said last summer that people who disagreed with their healthcare being controlled by the government were “attacking our representative form of government.”
Bob McCarty Writes: ‘Rubberstamp Rusty’ Carnahan Talks Health Care at Area Facility That Received $1.3M in Stimulus Cash (Update)
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1 Mark // Mar 31, 2010 at 10:26 am
What club? Isn’t it fairly common for both sides to limit media access?
2 JRJohnson // Mar 31, 2010 at 7:50 pm
No it isn’t, Mark. Look at Fox News who has people from both sides on it and then look at the mainstream media who has covered for this fraud in chief and his puppet Democrats. They want no hard questions. That is why Claire McCaskill, caught lying on 710 KCMO in Kansas City no longer responds to their requests, but goes across town to 980 KMBC to talk to the idiots who support her and throw her softball questions. Same with Emmanuel Cleaver. The only one I admire and respect is KC Mayor Mark Funkhouser a Dem who dares to buck the KC political machine and is not afraid of tough questions, while the rest of the corrupt city council won’t even return calls to KCMO.
3 whatadeal // Apr 1, 2010 at 9:00 am
Big deal, both side do this.
Maybe you guys could get your Grand Poobaa Chairman over at the RNC to get you an evening at the local strip club, then you wouldn’t write so much hatred all the time. You guys just need a night out.
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