“Do you think we’re over promising on this healthcare bill Mr. President? Not at all Claire. Our Kool Aid drinkers are buying it, that’s all that matters!
The Hill:
“The side on which I’m on, that voted for the bill, probably is overpromising, [has] not been clear enough about the fact that this is going to be an incremental approach over time, [and] the benefits aren’t going to be felt by most Americans immediately.” Read more….
Hasn’t been clear, give us a break! Their main selling point on trying to sell us on this crappy legislation (with the help of a complicit media) was the impression they gave that “32 million uninsured people” will be covered immediately.
With this admission from the Claire Bear, do they really think they’re going to sell the public on this bill before the November elections? What alternative world are these people living in? We’re sure there are people going over this legislation with a fine tooth comb. How many more ‘overpromises’ will they find buried in the 2,700 page bill?
Rasmussen: One Week Later, 54% Favor Repeal of Health Care Bill
Most Say Tea Party Has Better Understanding of Issues than Congress
0 responses so far ↓
1 Jeff Mayer // Mar 30, 2010 at 7:36 am
In some ways Claire McCaskill is the worst of them all. Many of them just aren’t very bright and simply do what Pelosi an Reid tell them to do.
McCaskill every now and then will let it slip she knows this legislation is garbage. But she voted for it anyway.
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