“The Missouri Media”
The Hill:
“Twenty years ago we would laugh at the notion that a newspaper would ever embrace the idea that maybe the channel of the future is electronic and that you may have to change your business model,” Potter told a group of reporters at a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor.
He added, “Likewise, the postal service is in a situation where the behavior of America is changing and we have to fix and change our business model to adapt to it.” Read more…
We have solutions for both the postal service and the dinosaur media. The postal service should be required to compete with UPS and Federal Express for first class mail business. This will eventually drive the postal service out of business and then we’ll have efficient and cost effective first class mail delivery. We know you hate profits liberals, but we’re sorry, it works.
For the old school media, we have a simple solution for you. How about covering the obvious news that is right in front of your faces? Like for example the fact that an former state senator has a new job created for her while the governor lays off thousands of state workers? Or, the fact that the governor’s spokeman intentionally lies to the public and he gets a pass from the media. If Matt Blunt were still governor, we all know that the media sharks would be all over these scandals like chum in the water. Is it any wonder that the governor has a 61% approval rating? My God you’re covering for him!
0 responses so far ↓
1 Keydrick // Apr 8, 2011 at 8:42 pm
kTcp9f I’m not easily impressed. . . but that’s impressing me!
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