"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Dooley’s Double Dipper Has Employment Records Subpoenaed | Missouri Political News Service

Dooley’s Double Dipper Has Employment Records Subpoenaed

February 23rd, 2010 by mopns · No Comments

Well that didn’t last long! After Kevin Killeen’s story was posted last Friday afternoon on KMOX’s website explaining how St. Louis County counselor Patricia Redding was stonewalling the media on subpoena requests, the Feds stepped in and subpoenaed Reddington asking for records on “double dipper” Darin Cline.

Thanks God! The excuses coming from the Dooley Administration that Mr. Cline resigned on his own accord and that he had a personal matter dealing with the IRS was getting pretty old – and quite frankly unbelievable.

 Post Dispatch:

Cline served as Dooley’s top lobbyist from 2006 until September 2009, when he resigned.

Cline told the Post-Dispatch at the time that he quit because he missed his former work as a political consultant.

Also at that time, he and Dooley adamantly denied rumors that federal investigators had launched a probe of county government, with Dooley dismissing them in a Post-Dispatch interview as “baseless innuendos.”

On Monday, Scott told the Post-Dispatch that the subpoena “is related to one former employee. No one currently employed by the county has received a subpoena, and neither Charlie nor any other members of his administration are under investigation, as far as they know.”

Cline said Monday that he was unaware of the subpoena and that he had not done anything unlawful as a county employee.

“I have not spoken to any federal investigator about anything related to my employment at St. Louis County,” he said. Read more…


Campaign Scam in STL County; Government Affairs Director Profited from Democratic Campaigns While on YOUR County Payroll!



Tags: STL County Executive Charlie Dooley

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