You would think that Senator Joe Keaveny, who was elected to replaced disgraced ex Senator Jeff Smith (now Prisoner 36607-044), would have learned a little bit about ethics after seeing his predecessor carted off on federal obstruction charges. Regrettably for Missourians, it appears he did not.
Jake Wagman of the Post-Dispatch, found that only weeks after Keaveny asked for the vote of Gregg Christian, a Democratic ward leader in the district, past associate of Keaveny, and one of the people charged with finding a replacement for Smith, he was on Keaveny’s payroll as a consultant earning thousands of dollars. It certainly sounds like Keaveny may have bought his way into a Senate seat.
If Senator Keaveny continues with these kind of tactics, we suspect Prisoner 36607-044 may soon have a familiar cellmate. Buying a legislative seat is unacceptable, and the FBI should investigate the Senator’s actions.
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