What’s that old saying about a broken clock being right at least two times a day?
Ky3’s Dave Cantanese:
“Although Nixon acknowledged Friday “systems failed and people made mistakes,” he said no one in his office would be disciplined, which handed Republicans and other critics easy fodder….But besides Lager and obvious critics like Missouri Republican Party, Nixon hasn’t experienced a massive backlash from lawmakers yet. It’s not only that Democrats have kept quiet, many key Republican leaders have avoided calling for more substantial firings.” Read more…
“The most satisfying part of my job is to know what’s going to be in the morning paper before I go to sleep at night” Source: voxmagazine.com
And speaking of clocks. You’ll notice to your top right a countdown clock we’ve installed that records the days, hours, minutes and seconds that Nixon communications director Jack ‘liar” Cardetti stays on the public payroll after admitting that he lied to the public. We admire the Governor for his loyalty to his staff, but this is ridiculous! What credibility will Mr. Cardetti ever have again with the public and the media after admitting that he purposely misled them and endangered public safety?
Mr. Cantanese correctly reports that Democrat lawmakers have been expectantly quiet, as have Republican lawmakers. What also should be noted is the silence among the editorial boards of the major media in this state. If the media continues to remain silent regarding Mr. Cardetti’s employment, then it tells us that the relationships Cardetti cultivated over the years with the media, are paying huge dividends for him right now.
The Source: Did Concealed Test Results Make a Child Dangerously Sick?
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