"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Picture(s) of the Day: 4th of July Tea Party in Wash, MO | Missouri Political News Service

Picture(s) of the Day: 4th of July Tea Party in Wash, MO

July 6th, 2009 by mopns · No Comments

Pictures courtesy of our Facebook friend Jenny Kerr.




Tea Party Blogs of Missouri

Missouri Matters:
“Can you identify sovereignty?”

Video: Rich from “Circle of Concern” at 4th of July Tea Party

Hat tip: dsm0012

[kml_flashembed movie=”http://www.youtube.com/v/oKznRf8Gm6E” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /]



Tags: Picture/Quote of the Day

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