"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
FLASHBACK: “Taliban/Nixonesque Pattern Emerging?” | Missouri Political News Service

FLASHBACK: “Taliban/Nixonesque Pattern Emerging?”

June 3rd, 2009 by mopns · No Comments

That was the title for a post we wrote back on April 22nd. Here’s an excerpt:

“From hiring crony’s, to investigating Republican state committeemen, to attempting to orchestrate the demotion of the leader of  the Veteran’s Commission, there seems to be a disturbing Taliban/Nixonesque pattern emerging here.”

It seems that disturbing pattern is continuing. We learned last week that Nixon’s Highway Patrol (along with other police agencies in the state) are profiling and stopping African American drivers more frequently. And then yesterday we learned that the man who promised to “clean up” the license fee patronage system has rewarded the Democratic state auditor (her ex husband) with a fee office.

Oh, and we almost forgot, Jay’s also engaging in questionable billing when it comes to his travel. But according to KY3’s resident suck ass, Jay’s doing a bang up job!



Tags: Jay Nixon · Media Bias

0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 steve // Jun 3, 2009 at 7:54 pm

    Please get the word out that not only did Jay Nixon give the lucrative fee office to one of his poltical buddies, but he also turned his back on battered women and children!!!

    The four bidders:
    1. Susan Montee’s ex husband
    2. Mike Smith
    3. Democratic Sheriff Mike Sharp’s family
    4. Hope House Shelter for Battered Women and Children that is located in Lee’s Summit.

    How in the world can Jay Nixon say with a straight face that this was not political. He had a choice of a non-profit over three poltical people and also Hope House was giving 3% back to the state! This is purely unethcial and “slaps” domestic violence victims right in the face.

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