"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
MO Democrat Party Laundering Money? | Missouri Political News Service

MO Democrat Party Laundering Money?

April 10th, 2009 by mopns · No Comments

STL Post Dispatch:

The FEC audits and other documents reveal that state Democrats have been audited, fined or questioned by the FEC about complying with the law in six consecutive election cycles.

In February, the FEC published an audit of the state Democratic fundraising arm — the Missouri Democratic State Committee — that found the committee couldn’t properly account for $1.2 million transferred between its federal and nonfederal accounts in the 2003-2004 election cycle. The FEC has strict rules on tracking money used for state races and federal races because the laws governing those races are different.

Since the ethics commission is impotent and uses selective enforcement, can the FEC come in and investigate these serious charges?

EXCLUSIVE Part 1: Emails Reveal Depth of Koster/Hatfield Scheme to Launder Contributions

Koster Campaign Busted Laundering Money with Jay Nixon Crony’s Help



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0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Fed Up // Apr 10, 2009 at 1:02 pm

    as I wrote yesterday, we have a former Atty Gen (now Gov) who accepted $$ from a electric
    company while he was to investigate that same company for violation of laws, now we see the new Atty Gen under the spot light. Can’t begin to imagin why the heat is usually on the Democrats, could it be they fail the legal tests on honesty?

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