"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
FOJ (Friend of Jay) Chuck Hatfield Leads “Stimulus Strike Force” | Missouri Political News Service

FOJ (Friend of Jay) Chuck Hatfield Leads “Stimulus Strike Force”

March 20th, 2009 by MarkTwain · No Comments

This is too rich. FOJ (Friend of Jay) Chuck Hatfield and his law firm continue to cash in!

K.C. Business Journal:

Stinson Morrison Hecker LLP has assembled a temporary group of attorneys with prior government and regulatory backgrounds to handle stimulus matters for clients.

The newly formed “stimulus strike force” is expected to guide clients through government lobbying, procurement and compliance for entities taking advantage of the federal government’s recently passed, massive spending package.

The practice group comprises a number of former politicians and political aides, including Michael Gibbons, former pro tem of the Missouri Senate, and Chuck Hatfield, former chief of staff to then-Missouri Attorney General Jay Nixon.


The Pitch: MoDOT + stimulus funds = FAIL

“Democratic U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver says he’s fighting for more 5th District money. “When the initial list was released, Missouri’s 5th District was slated to received $44 million in stimulus dollars for two major projects,” he says. “Since I started complaining we are up to $69 million and five major projects. It is progress, but I think we should still be getting more and I am making that case.”

Nixon Crony Chuck Hatfield Holds Seminar Series: “How to Handle an Investigation or Lawsuit Brought Against You or Your Business by a State AG”

Monsanto Company Kicks Off Nixon’s High Street Project

Turner Report: Lobbyist Benefits From Strong Ties to Nixon, Koster



Tags: Jay Nixon

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