"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
Turnabout is Fair Play | Missouri Political News Service

Turnabout is Fair Play

March 9th, 2009 by mopns · No Comments

To use “Hip Hop Republican” language, several reporters got the “script flipped” on them last week. There is an opinion among many that most reporters are nothing more than weasels and bottom feeders who lurk behind every corner trying to embarrass politicians and prominent people. Before the new media, they enjoyed an immunity from criticism because as the old adage goes, “never argue with someone who buys ink by the barrel.” Well, the Internet, with all of it’s greatness, has evened the playing field. As last week demonstrated, reporters are on notice that their foibles will also be fodder for us too.

St. Louis Post Dispatch political editor Christopher Ave was just a little to candid last week on his facebook page:

“Christopher is hoping everyone who reads this will go out and buy a newspaper, while you still can. – Feb 26th Facebook status for STL Post Dispatch political editor Christopher Ave

We’re assuming that Mr. Ave’s employers didn’t take too kindly to his frankness. He left this response that would insult anyone with over an 8th grade education with it’s terrible spin:

“Thanks for noticing my Facebook status updates guys! Who knew I was that interesting? My point, of course, is that newspapers DO matter. They matter a great deal, whether they’re made of paper or exist only online. And people should appreciate their importance to democracy and BUY one. That’s all. Thanks!”

Mr. Ave cannot be serious with this response! Christopher, don’t quit your day job, you’ll never make it as a political spinmeister! Mr. Ave does seem to be preparing for a life after the newspaper business.

“I also create music for websites and other media and compose, record and perform original pop music”

We highly recommend Christopher’s original composition: “Copy Editor’s Lament (the layoff song)


K.C Star: The Star likely to lay off 15 percent of workforce



Tags: Media Bias

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