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STL American: Slay Snubs Obama at White House to Attend Fundraiser and Gala in St. Louis | Missouri Political News Service

STL American: Slay Snubs Obama at White House to Attend Fundraiser and Gala in St. Louis

February 25th, 2009 by jjjameson · No Comments

 By Chris King Of the St. Louis American

According to Darwin Hindman, mayor of Columbia, Missouri and an advisory board member for the U.S. Conference of Mayors, Slay is a member of the conference and was invited to the private meeting with President Obama at the White House on Friday.

Instead, on Thursday night Slay was in St. Louis, attending a poorly attended event at a Downtown nightclub thrown for him by former state Rep. Betty Thompson.

On Friday night, Slay hosted his annual Mayor’s Ball in St. Louis City Hall, a Mardi Gras-themed gala. In between those two parties, both thinly disguised campaign events, Slay missed a private meeting at the White House, during which Obama and Biden advised a group of U.S. mayors on how to prepare their cities to benefit from the stimulus package.

“It was more important for Slay to let people rub elbows with him than to rub elbows with the president for our benefit,” said Irene J. Smith, who opposes Slay in the March 3 Democratic primary. Read more…


MOPNS: Slay Pays Former Rep. Thompson for “Campaign Work”



Tags: Mayor Frances Slay · St. Louis

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