With Rod Blagojevich now impeached and removed as the Illinois Governor, many wondered what would happen to his bag of dirty tricks, pay to play schemes, and policy enactment through intimidation. Many had hoped that these ethically wrong and illegal maneuvers would die an immediate death with the exit of “Governor Blago”. Apparently, this is not so. Democrats, never wishing to throw anything valuable away, have recycled Governor Blago’s illicit activities and delivered them to Jay Nixon.
Jay has wasted no time putting these new-found techniques to good use in Missouri. In order to ensure that his
lobbyist former chief of staff, Chuck Hatfield, was able to deliver his promise to Monsanto that their attorney (Linda Martinez) would be the new Director of the Department of Economic Development, Jay quickly tried out “policy enactment through intimidation”.
Why is the nomination of Linda Martinez so important to Jay and Crazy John? Do they really owe that much to
their lobbyist, Chuck Hatfield? Or are they planning to allow an invasion of illegal immigrants into Missouri? Barack Obama has even learned that it is best to admit that he appointed the wrong person and move on rather than have the nominee languish over numerous skeletons in the past.
KY3 Political Notebook: Without Reassurances, Rupp Will Continue To Delay Martinez
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