Attorney and blogger Graf Shepherd scored an exclusive interview with former Senator Jim Talent. Talent co-chairs the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism. (Wow! That’s a mouthful!) Looks like Gregg Keller and Mr. Talent understand the growing influence of bloggers and the new media.
In an interview with this blog, Commission Co-Chair and former U.S. Senator Jim Talent (R-Missouri) expanded on the Commission’s recommendations. Despite Pakistan’s reputation as a haven for terrorists, Mr. Talent maintains that cooperation with Pakistan is a realistic possibility. He explains, “The key there is to get them to focus on the urgency of the threat–to understand that stopping terrorism and WMD should be their top priority as well as ours. The recent attacks on Mumbai, with the negative consequences for the credibility of the Pakistani government, may help reinforce the right message.” Read more..
The battle in Illinois to fill President-elect Obama’s Senate seat has taken on a bi-partisan tone. Representative Danny K. Davis, who is seeking appointment to the seat along with Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., sent out a press release last week explaining why he’s the best man for the job. Here’s an excerpt:
“In Congress, I have been one of its most effective members in getting original bills passed. have teamed up with Republicans like J.C. Watts, Jim Talent…”
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