As Senator Obama’s surrogate, Sen. McCaskill has faithfully regurgitated Obama’s change mantra almost ad nauseum these last few months. She even managed to slip it in several times during her convention keynote speech:
“I have seen Barack Obama in the Senate, and I’ve been by his side on the campaign trail. I know he will bring the change we need in Washington.
I saw him take on both parties to help pass the farthest-reaching ethics reform since Watergate. That’s the change we need. I saw him run a campaign that hasn’t taken a dime from federal lobbyists and PACs. That’s the change we need.”
That’s beautiful and flowering rhetoric coming from our junior Senator. And that’s exactly what it is -rhetoric. It seems after the TV lights and microphones have been turned off and everyone has gone home, Claire shows her true feelings about “changing the culture in Washington” with this highly partisan campaign letter for the challenger to North Carolina Senator Elizabeth Dole:
“You deserve more from your U.S. Senator — you deserve someone who will represent North Carolinians.
Elizabeth Dole registered to vote in North Carolina just two days after it was announced that Jesse Helms’ seat was up for grabs.
She even ran for president as a Kansan well before she thought about running for the U.S. Senate in North Carolina. Just like you, I’m ready to join you in handing her a pair of Ruby Red Slippers so she can click her heels three times and go back to Kansas.” Read more…
Well, so much for “change.”
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