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The Appellate Judicial Commission Needs To Do Its Job! | Missouri Political News Service

The Appellate Judicial Commission Needs To Do Its Job!

August 19th, 2008 by mopns · No Comments

Better Courts for Missouri  press release:

(Jefferson City, MO) – The Missouri Supreme Court recently lost one of the best judges to ever sit on the Court when Judge Limbaugh resigned to become a federal judge. More than twenty people have applied to take his place. The Appellate Judicial Commission will review the list of applicants and, on August 21st, will forward three names to Governor Blunt to choose Judge Limbaugh’s replacement.

The Governor will be obligated to choose from one of the Commission’s three nominees or forfeit his ability to appoint anyone at all thanks to the current flaws in the Missouri Plan. Those who will have a voice in determining Judge Limbaugh’s replacement will be the lawyers of the Missouri Bar and its powerful allies in the personal injury bar, MATA, who continue to dominate the selection of judges in our great state.

The Appellate Judicial Commission needs to do its job and nominate someone like Judge Limbaugh: Someone who will promise to exercise judicial restraint and who will say what the law is, not what it ought to be. Missourians are depending on the Commission – submit a good list of nominees they all can be proud of.



Tags: MO Supreme Court

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