L to R: Founder Rex Sinquefield, Rachel Keller Brown, Executive Committee member, Tony Rich, Executive Director
The Chess Club and Scholastic Center, which was founded by retired investment fund manager Rex Sinquefield and opened in July 2008, is located at 4657 Maryland Avenue in St. Louis’ fashionable and historic Central West End neighborhood.
“We are proud to bring the 2009 U.S. Chess Championship to St. Louis,” said Tony Rich, executive director of the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis. “I am certain that the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis and the United States Chess Federation will make this an event unlike any other. The USCF has done an exemplary job of promoting chess nationally, and now we can bring that same national perspective to St. Louis.”
The championship will be held in May 2009. Invitations to potential tournament participants will be issued to some of the top-rated U.S. players, the top-rated women, among other qualifiers and wild card participants, who will be announced later.
The championship will have a purse of $100,000, with $30,000 awarded to the winner, twice the amount of last year’s tournament. In case of even scores, no tie-breakers will be used. Instead, prize funds will be evenly divided between winners. Read more…
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