"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
U.S. Needs Comprehensive Energy Plan (Rep. Lacy Clay) | Missouri Political News Service

U.S. Needs Comprehensive Energy Plan (Rep. Lacy Clay)

June 19th, 2008 by mopns · No Comments

Congressman Clay posted the DNC’s energy policy talking points on the Hill’s Congressional Blog today. It’s amazing to us that the Democrats still sing the praises of alternative energy and biofuelds, even after this policy has caused food prices to sky rocket and food riots around the world. Look, we’re all for a cleaner earth and alternative fuels, but it is insane to think you can wean the world off oil oil when there is still so much of it left untapped. We’ve heard estimates that there is believed to be 86 billion gallons of oil off the Florida coast alone!

Hat tip: Gateway Pundit

If you believe the liberals, and assume that high fuel prices are the result of speculators only, wouldn’t you think that as soon as we announce drilling in these formerly protected areas, the price of oil futures would drop on that news – even if the oil doesn’t come to market for 10 years? It would also drop because the OPEC cartel doesn’t want competition from us to add supply to the market. Economics 101 lesson for the libs: when supply goes up, prices go down. Duh!

By Rep. Lacy Clay

The President’s argument, like his energy policy, is nonsensical. We cannot drill our way to energy independence. The truth is that oil companies are currently sitting on 68 million acres of public lands they have already leased, but President Bush wants to award them with even more. Since 1999, the number of drilling permits issued has gone up 361%, yet gas prices keep skyrocketing. Expanding domestic oil production will do little to bring down the price of gasoline.

Americans are suffering under the Bush energy policy that was written by Vice President Cheney and the lobbyists from big oil and gas companies…$4 a gallon gasoline; $134 per barrel oil; increased reliance on foreign sources of energy and on hydrocarbons that contribute to climate change. Read more…


KCMO Podcast: Congressman Sam Graves addresses high gas prices.




Tags: Rep. Lacy Clay · Rep. Sam Graves

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