"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
The Rod Squad Misses the Mark | Missouri Political News Service

The Rod Squad Misses the Mark

June 11th, 2008 by jjjameson · No Comments

A blog, whose name we will not mention, has yet again given strong reason to believe it has signed some sort of *loyalty oath with Rod Jetton. In a short post aimed mostly at discrediting Ryan Cooper — who, by most accounts, IS an odd duck — the Rod Squad misses the forest for the trees by focusing on Cooper instead of the subject of Cooper’s story: Rod Jetton’s questionable decision to stake so much on a law apparently drafted for the benefit of one person. Why would a blog that has tried so hard to establish itself as the chief Democrat muckraker go so far to protect a Republican who isn’t even liked by his own party?Again, there are explanations for such odd fact scenarios. And, if the rumors are true, we will all get answers as events unfold.

*MOPNS: (5/20/08) “Jetton seems to have received some sort of immunity from the muckraking blog. Many Republicans have speculated for some time that Jetton is a source of information for FiredUp and the Democrat slime machine. That would at least explain how the St. Louis Post Dispatch’s lengthy (and detailed) editorial on Jetton’s legacy did not make the blog’s front page. Suffice it to say that if such allegations of corruption and incompetence were made against any Republican not on FiredUp’s list of sources, the blog would have had a field day . . . which says a lot about its true motives.”



Tags: Spkr. Jetton

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