“Damn that Catherine Hanaway!”
Ever since we busted Koster at the Ameristar Casino last month with Rod Jetton and Jason Crowell, Koster has been rather “ghost” as we say in the ‘hood. As the final chapters are being written on most likely the worst blunder in Missouri political history, you have to feel somewhat sorry for a guy who threw away a promising political career for political expediency – and some say his fear of Catherine Hanaway getting in the attorney’s general race.
Rep. Hubbard with Gov. Blunt & Rep. Ted Hoskins
On another note, Democrat insiders tell MOPNS that another client of the House of French is unhappy. Sources say Rep. Rodney Hubbard is furious over the direction of his stumbling campaign. (Antonio French is his campaign manager)Hubbard is said to be particularly upset over the Annie Malone parade video on PubDef that featured him greeting fair goers, along with underage girls gyrating in front of the camera like a late night BET rap video.
We reported to you last week that the campaign is refusing to release a poll they commissioned that shows Hubbard faring poorly against Rep. Wright-Jones. The video incident is once instance cited in his lagging poll numbers.
We’ve learned that another female, African American former state representative is on the Chris Koster payroll. We’ll let you know when we have confirmation.
Arch City Chronicle: [Outgoing St. Louis City Schools Superintendant] Bourisaw Endorses Wright-Jones
0 responses so far ↓
1 Benny // Jun 10, 2008 at 9:38 am
You are getting as bad as Turner. Your lie that Koster was at Ameristar with Jetton has been exposed yet you continue to repeat it.
Turner also prints lies and half-truths. Used to think you were better but I was wrong.
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