While Kenny Hulshof is telling us that he’s against stem cell research – while accepting stem cell money and investing in stem cell research mutual funds – the Sarah Steelman campaign almost made it through an entire week (a holiday shortened week at that) without another blunder coming to light. Technically, it’s the same blunder that was reported a couple of weeks ago, but with more details.
From the Springfield News Leader:
A state auditor’s report says state Treasurer Sarah Steelman’s deputy improperly reported his vacation time this winter while working for Steelman’s gubernatorial campaign.
State Auditor Susan Montee’s report says Deputy State Treasurer Doug Gaston filled out nearly three months worth of timesheets — claiming he was mostly on vacation — on April 17, the same day the St. Louis Post-Dispatch inquired about his dual roles in the treasurer’s office and Steelman’s campaign for governor.
“We questioned the Deputy State Treasurer about his untimely reporting of leave. The Deputy indicated that his leave had not been reported timely but he stated his leave was reported accurately,” the report released Tuesday states. “Considering the timing of when the Deputy’s leave was ultimately reported, it appears these actions may have been prompted in part by inquiries from the media.”
Steelman said Tuesday that Gaston was disciplined for his actions, but declined to disclose the punishment because it was a personnel matter.
“He didn’t fill it out in a timely manner,” Steelman told the News-Leader. “His leave is all up to date and that’s all there is to it.”
To borrow from the immortal words of Charlie Brown: Good Grief!
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