Yes, you are right about that Senator. You’ve certainly been there on both sides of the issues as a Republican and as a Democrat. While we wait to see how the “law and order Missouri Democrat” votes on the controversial Voter ID bill, (what’s more law and order than insuring the integrity of our elections by making sure voters are who they say they are?) we thought we’d entertain you with this recent campaign infomercial from him.
St. Louis cable company Charter is providing a service for candidates to film short messages to their potential constituents. We’ve previously brought you videos from Jane Cunningham and Shamed Dogan. You’ll notice in their videos that its your standard here’s my qualifications and this is why you should elect me speech. Ego maniac Koster inserts news footage from a serial murder case he tried several years ago. And to make you feel even safer with him as attorney general, Koster tells us “he’s carried a badge his entire career as an attorney in this state.” What’s he going to do, throw a law book at a criminal to apprehend him?
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
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