"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win." -- Mahatma Gandhi
The Good, Bad & the Ugly of Poli Web Sci: Freshmeat | Missouri Political News Service

The Good, Bad & the Ugly of Poli Web Sci: Freshmeat

January 25th, 2008 by mopns · No Comments

The Blog of Independence:

Yet, every time I visit the site the clip art of the bloody meat cleaver creeps me out. Yes, Senator I know you have chosen it ironically–but it sends the wrong message! Plus think of all the Midtown vegetarians that you are “hacking” off. And think of our dear Congressman, the Rev. Emanuel Cleaver! The humanity of it.

Freshmeat, meat-market. Meet-up. There are a lot of fun puns that you can do with your site. But please. Pleeeease for the love of the Goddess, Senator get rid of the bloody meat cleaver graphic on your site.

Plus, I would make the business card graphic clickable to either your Official Site and/or Your Campaign Site.An interesting hypothetical question is do you need to have a Missouri election campaign disclosure tag on the site. I mean it doesn’t cost you anything, right? So it is a personal site, right? So you can link to anything you want, right? But what if you are using a state computer? Yes, now we are entering the brave new electronic world.

Senator, you are a pioneer in that area and I trust you will figure this out with some of the bright minds in the state. Read more…



Tags: MO Legislature

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